FINDING OUR WAY - For the past six months, we have been traveling a path we have never been on before, not knowing where we’re going.  All of us have just been trying to find our way.  Consequently, we may have experienced a lot of anxiety, apprehension, uncertainty, and possibly fear.  We don’t know where this uncharted journey will take us or when it might end.

Recently I ran across a verse in the Book of Joshua where Joshua, the leader of the Israelites following the death of Moses, was told, “You will know the way you should go, even though you’ve never traveled this way before” (3:4 CEB).  It is reassuring to think that as we travel uncharted paths in life, internal resources that we never knew we had, as well as external inspiration and grace to help us find our way, assist us as we journey and travel the unfamiliar paths of life.


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